Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Project in Retrospect: It Has No End.

The Compassion Project has been quite the eye-opener for me. I mean, I have always been aware that to act well towards other would, in turn, make you feel good about both yourself, as well as life in general… but for too long, I’ve seen others be mistreated, and done very little to stop it, although, not nothing at all. It’s also occurred to me from time to time, and that has been when I’ve stood up quite prominently, although mistreatment by others occurring to me has always few and far between, and has been in passing, and never constant to any single person or group.

Honestly, that kind of behavior has never made any logical sense to me, as it really doesn’t help anyone… in the end, it makes the bully quite empty inside, as well as feel bad about himself, regardless of any short-term high he gets from it in the first place, and it makes the bullied feel empty, hurt, and very self-conscious as well, making them very vulnerable to further harassment.

Anyways, beyond those points, the Project has really taken off, and is changing school culture here at Brooks quite rapidly, taking it from slightly tense (although never terrible), to tolerant, and very open.
Hopefully, this will spread as quickly around the world, as it has spread here.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Short Introduction

I'd like to welcome you to the official blog domain of Brooks Secondary School's Compassion Project, in which the students of Brooks Secondary High School in Powell River, British Columbia, have come together as a collective to redefine what popular culture calls 'cool,' as well as reach out and make a difference in both the local community, as well as the world.

Does this sound just a bit cliche? Don't worry, considering the above description, I'm totally with you on that one, but that's yet another lesson we are trying to teach the world; don't assume, and don't judge, because you'll be missing a lot if you do, and trust me, if you pass up participation, or at least simply checking the Project out, you will be missing a lot.

So sit down. Relax. Stop thinking about tomorrow or yesterday. Stop thinking about problems you may be having with you children, your parents, your spouse, your boss, your teachers, your principal, your friends, or yourself. This place is a place of personal freedom. We aren't sponsored as of yet, and we won't be taking sponsorships from the demeaning corporate enterprises of Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Nike, or Wal-Mart, who are simply out to push on us feelings of inadequacy as to promote the sales of their products. We're here to counter that.

Of course, corporate influence isn't the only thing we're out to counter... we're out to counter the grinding influence of bullying, abuse, and just general mistreatment, as well as the societal bring-down known as 'apathy.'

So like I said, sit down. Relax.
Judgment day may be everyday on the cliqued-out streets of an inner-city, but here in small town Western Canada, you're expected to be yourself, and nothing more.